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Non Violent Communication


FREE ebook – “Unleash your team’s natural potential”

This entry is part 9 of 9 in the series Reinventing Organizations

This FREE ebook is “based on and inspired by “ Frederic Laloux’s book, “Reinventing Organizations”. With “Unleash your team’s natural potential”, my goal is to share what has inspired me and resonated with me as I read Frederic Laloux’s book. Based on my own experience as a manager, I have …

Reinventing Organizations – From Performance Management to Inquiry and Celebration

This entry is part 6 of 9 in the series Reinventing Organizations

How to give feedback on people’s work performance? One of the skills managers seem to be receiving many training on. And yet, I find, possibly one of the least mastered skill. Why is it so difficult for those of us in people management positions to  1. have the courage to …

Reinventing Organizations – How Conflict can be Healthy

This entry is part 5 of 9 in the series Reinventing Organizations

For many years, I really believed that conflict equaled anger, and that anger led to conflict. I was avoiding conflict as much as possible, mostly because I did not know how to deal with it. Just did not have the skills to properly address conflict and manage anger, mine and …

Consensus vs Consent

Consensus: everyone says Yes. Consent: nobody says No!

This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series Non Violent Communication at work

“We need to find a consensus with our management team before we move on”. “Have you reached consensus with all stakeholders of the initiative”? Does it sound familiar? I will not go through why seeking consensus when making decision is not very effective nor does create alignment and buy-in. I …